
Monday 10 December 2018

Sea life Of New Zealand

Endangered Animals

 We had to find endangered animals for our reading.

Should Fast Food Be Band

Should Fast Food Be Band

Some people believe fast food should be banned but
some people believe fast food should not be banned, l
et's look at both of the arguments.

Why it should be band?

Fast food it bad for you, like this girl got paralyzed from
her neck down from eating KFC chicken and you can waste
your money because you can by a family dinner with that money
or you can by some food to eat throughout the week.
So you and your family can eat. It links you to lots of medical
problems,eating,burgers and chips increases your risk of heart disease.
Here's a fact MacDonald’s says that their big Macs have 470 calories
of fat in them when they actually have 590 calories of fat in their food.
It’s bad for your health like you can get fat and you can get diabetes, plus
you can get diseases like heart disease and the food has chemicals and the
food has a lot of fat. You can get poor and you won't be able to pay rent you
will probably lose your house.

Why it should not be band?    

When you are going out somewhere you can grab some
fast food on the go, also if poor people get a little bit of
money they can spend it there because. We get it, it is good
and it saves time like when you are too lazy you can just pop
up to burger king or something like that. When they had a busy
day of work you could just go to a fast food place and get something
to eat and treat yourself.

What I personally think I should banned it because for all
of the bad stuff in the fast food it makes me sick and makes
me wanna not eat it anymore I use to eat it most of the time
but I don’t really now it has heaps of bad chemicals in the fast food.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Party Planning

We had to plan a party and we had 200 dollars to spend.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Learn creat share

We made a learn create and share slide. We had to share it with another student in our class. They had to do it and me and Ben are the teachers and they are the student.

Thursday 29 November 2018

Summer Holiday Weeks

We had to find the summer week in the world and the highest is 13.
I had fun doing this in cybersmart.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Leashing Dogs Into The Wild

We had to chose a topic to do out of banning plastic bags,leashing dogs into the wild and more I chose leashing dogs into the wild. 

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Wednesday 26 September 2018

Bath Bombs

We did steam witch is science,technology,engineering,art and mathex.

Tuesday 11 September 2018


We did this in cybersmart game and i completed it.

Thursday 30 August 2018


We did this for cyber-smart.


This week we got a new akowhano group we have Beau,Krishi,Shayneel,Biranna and me Emma. We did this all together.

Monday 6 August 2018

My Time Management Work

I had to make a poster in poster my wall or in paper. Then Make a video about time management. The I had to make a another video what you could use for time management

Friday 3 August 2018


This is one of our task for the week.

Using Tone Of Voice

we Did this is cyber smart last week and we did using our tone of voice and this is what me and jordana did.

Thursday 2 August 2018



We counted our in 1 minuet pols before we did star jumps the we did how many star jumps in 1 minuet then we wrote down how many star jumps we did then we did our pols and counted it in 1 minuet  and it went faster and this is what we got.

My akowhano group

I think my akowhano group is good they listen and we all help each other and listen to one another. The people in our group is Emma (me), Larissa, Levi, Lincoln, Ivan, Shayneel. There are only 6 people in our group.
But overall I think that my akowhano group is great I like it because we have fun working. We have so much fun together and working together. We all have a great time. Our group work as a team and don’t leave anyone out of the activities. We share slides together, we do maths,reading and writing together. I like my akowhano group.

How To Look After A Cat

Looking after a cat is hard work
You have Feed it,Play with is and pooper scoop.

Feed it
What do you feed it well you can feed it Wiskes,Jumbos and cat biscuits.
What do you used to feed it you put it in a plastic bowl or a glass bowl for cats.
Why so they can be fat and healthy. If a cat is fat that means it is healthy.
Only feed it 3 or 4 times a day. Morning, afternoon, afternoon tea and dinner.
Or they will die because you fed the to much.
You need to give them water too.  

Play With it
What toys do you use you can use a mouse toy or a thing that they chase it is like a ball with
feathers on a string connected to a plastic stick.
Why so they are active and they have something to do except for sleeping all day.

You can also train them.

Pooper Scoop

You need to buy a pooper scoop tray with a pooper scoop scooper upper that’s what I call it and
you need to buy litter sand for the litter tray so they can go potty. So they don’t go potty on your bed of
the carpet or the floor. You need to clean the litter tray every day.

So always look after your cat or you are not looking after it right and it would have to go
to an orphanage. We foster cat in real life and we only have 5 at the moment .

My Holidays

Saturday: I slept in till 12:00 night , I woke up at 12:00 morning  first I went
to get breakfast then I went back in my bed a went on my chromebook and watched videos all day.
(At night time) had dinner I had nitshill with mash potato and peas and corn.  

Sunday:(in the morning) I went to get breakfast then I went back in my
bed a went on my chromebook until my mom called me and said do
you want 3 more baby kittens to look after and you have to help me feed them
 to. We will get them tomorrow. The we notice our cat draco went missing

(At night) My cat draco went missing all day we went looking for him all day
I was so worried about him. So I went to sleep and my brother Ryan came
and woke me up and said that draco’s back I rushed onto Ryan’s room and put him
in my room. I went to wake up mom and we fed him in 2:00 in the morning.

On Monday and Tuesday,
First I went to get breakfast then I went back in my bed a went on my Chromebook and watched
videos all day.

At night Slept. And woke up in the morning.

On Wednesday and Thursday,
(Morning)  Nothing much happened just the same old same old.
(Night)  Sneaking on my chromebook and play games.

Friday,Saturday and Sunday.

My cat attacked me in the middle of the night and it hurt and he wakes me up every night.

In the mornings nothing really happened that much.

Monday and Tuesday,

I stayed at home most of my holidays and it was quite boring.
I kept on getting dizzy and  getting a headache because I was on my Chromebook most of hate time.

Wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday and sunday,

I went to the gardens and it was BORING there i don't like
the gardens but I needed some fresh air because i was is my house for  most the holidays.

Friday and Saturday I went to my aunties house and had dinner and saw my
2 cousin Nate he is so cute and he is only 1 and he threw his stuff at me, Lucinda and Liam.
He has a toy bike that he rides and he was running over Liam with it and when you say tare to him
when he has something in his hand he sey tare back and gives it to you. We had to go.

On Sunday we had to get ready for school than I did the same old same old.

Then we went to school the next day.